Hundredth Monkey Camp
1995 Map
Here is the map of the campsite of the Hundredth Monkey event held in the summer of 1995 near the Malvern Hills which can also be found in the book and the ebook or kindle versions. Because it is small in the paperback and there are also limitations with ebooks I've included this image here which I think should be copyable and then you can enlarge it and look at the detail.
I have aimed to reproduce the layout of tents, domes, marquees, caravans and firecircles as close to how they were at the event, basing this on a number of photographs I was fortunate enough to have given to me by the late Bryony Glass, and my friend Brenda Gabriel who was also there.
By some brainstorm I
originally put the link for this, which was in the references section in
the back of the book, for one of my other blogs rather than here where it should have been. So now it can be found on either. rather than here where it should have been. So now it can be found on either.
First there is a version sized to this page, and then below a larger version
I hope it will add to the enjoyment of the book as you follow my peregrinations around the field and see where I had my various adventures.
You can purchase a paper or e-book version of my account
of my shamanic rite of passage at The Hundredth Monkey Camp ‘Waking The Monkey!
~ Becoming the Hundredth Monkey’ (A Book for Spiritual Warriors) at
Buy Waking The Monkey! paperback by Claire Rae Randall
Buy Waking The Monkey! paperback by Claire Rae Randall
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