Wednesday, 30 November 2011

A Letter to Blossom Goodchild

The subject of this blog is the Great Awakening of humanity.

At the Hundredth Monkey event in 1995 which is the background source and inspiration for this blog I encountered, first hand, for the first time, instances of channelled information, having read about this in 'The Only Planet of Choice' and other works.

Channelled information is controversial, for several reasons.  Some hold that the channellers are simply fraudulent, others that they are just expressing ideas from their unconscious, whether they understand or acknowledge that to be the case, perhaps they are like the voices some people hear.  One further interpretation is that these are indeed beings of some non-physical nature who are supplying these messages, but that they cannot be relied upon as they are mischievous or even of evil intent.  Others may be bona fide, but how do we tell?  

The Master Jesus said 'By their fruits shall you know them' and that is a hard statement to disagree with.  Crop circles, for instance, may have examples of hoaxes, but there are also many which encode extensive high level mathematical information, and have unusual physical characteristics which defy conventional explanation, so it is hard to dismiss these.  On the other hand, some channelled sources make claims or promises which are not fulfilled.  What should we make of these?  I recently encountered the writings of Blossom Goodchild on her site  

Referenced from Ron Van Dyke

who has been posting daily videos on his meditations since the beginning of the 9th Wave of the Mayan calendar earlier this year.

Blossom has been having serious issues with the fact that the supposed Galactic Federation of Light, who are ostensibly the source of her channelled messages failed to deliver on a promise that 'pillars of light' would appear and be visible on Earth recently.  She has now questioned the reliability of this source, and it looks like she may have broken off contact with it/them for the time being.  There are numerous channelled sources making comment on the progress of the Awakening transition which we have entered and are experiencing, but my own personal response to these is that mostly they generate false expectations by delivering versions of events which do not correlate with actuality, and thus give false hope.

My own perception and understanding of what is at the core of the Awakening process is that it is about recognising deception.  We see this in Egypt for instance.  The military deceived the population, lying about the future path of democracy, and then reneging on it, so the people have had to challenge, again and again.

The governments of the West are in many ways even more deeply embroiled in deception of the population through their controlled media.  The people are largely enthralled by these lies, and so will remain enslaved by them until the pain of disillusionment finally leads to them waking up from the sleep of wishful thinking.

As a meditation teacher once said to me: 'Test everything!'  This is what they do in science, they put up an hypothesis, and then test it.  If the prediction fails to be confirmed, then the theory has been falsified; this is the basis of scientific theory, as summarised by Karl Popper.  

When predictions fail, the hypothesis is wrong.  Simple.

When sources claim that something will happen, and it doesn't, then that source is wrong.  When it blames us for its failure, we have the choice of either continuing to believe it, or we challenge it.  Continuing to believe a lie when it has been demonstrated is playing into the hands of the deceivers.  Challenging it is the only valid way forward of growth.

I absolutely respect that Blossom Goodchild has challenged the lie which was presented to her, and has apparently now withdrawn from the conversation with these deceivers.  In so doing she has taken a step forward and has expanded her awareness.  It is an experience of sadness, but also one of freedom.

Only when we refuse to be entrapped by lies will we be able to see the Truth.  This is the lesson of this experience.

My letter to Blossom Goodchild follows below.

Dear Blossom,


I have only recently started following your postings of your conversations with the Federation of Light after I heard Ron van Dyke talk about them.  Firstly may I say I acknowledge your integrity in what you have done, and are doing with your work.

Clearly, things are difficult with this contact at present.  I have had some experience with channelled beings in the past, and know that things may not always be as they are at first presented.

The question of unfulfilled promises is a serious one, and I deeply respect the fact that you have challenged these beings as to why they have failed to manifest these promises.  Your previous posting in which you first asked them about why these things did not happen seemed to me to amount to these beings blaming you, us, for what they had not done, for why they had broken their promise.

It is my conclusion from this, and other previous experiences going back many years, that there are non material or extraterrestrial beings who purposely mislead us in order to cause us to lose our faith.  The greater purpose behind this is that we will learn to see through lies and thus be stronger through our more developed perception.  It is a part of the Great Deception which the human race has to learn to recognise.

I believe that we will not see the arrival of extraterrestrial beings or other greater manifestations until we have achieved the transition and transformation which we are all looking for.  Leading us to believe that there will be manifestations which will lead to mass awakening and so forth is encouraging us to believe in outside interventions and thus disempower our own self belief. 

It may be the case (I hope not but have to acknowledge the possibility) that the Great Awakening will not actually take place until the complete triumph of the powers of darkness over the world.  It may be that only this will cause sufficient pain to awaken all those who deny or avoid what is going on presently, who feel that there is no point, or that it is a hopeless task.  Perhaps when they see that all that was warned of by the Awakening movement has come about, they will realise that something must be done, that they, we, all of us must do something, must awake, speak the truth of it all and stand up against the lies which control our world, following paths of freedom, responsibility and, above all, love.

There is interesting work on this subject of what John Lash calls the 'Archons', who seek to subvert the spirituality of the human race in the following links, which you may or may not be aware of.

Interview discussion on his writings about the Archons, sources within the Nag Hammadi Gnostic texts.

Website with more interviews

General website about uncovering the lies of history and creating positive myths and direction for the future

I hope you find this interesting.  My own blogs can be accessed on the following links
Excerpts and discussion around the subject of stimulating the Great Awakening from my book Waking The Monkey (yet to be published) about my experiences at the 1995 Hundredth Monkey world healing camp.

My general blog, with some excerpts from the book, and other thoughts about the process we are in at present.

Best regards, and I hope you come to your own resolution on these issues which we all find so difficult.

Cosmic Claire

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


What is Shamanism?  I am prompted to write this piece since I was approached by a student of film production at the local University this morning, asking me if I would be willing to be interviewed for the documentary she is making for her coursework.

Interesting…  This was in response to a small ad I had placed in the local wholefood shop offering an introduction to Shamanism.  So the way this has happened is like an example of Shamanism in itself.  I put out an offer, a question to the Universe, and the Universe responded.

A mere chance connection, you may say.  No such thing in the world of the Shaman.  The Shamanic world is one being, a spiritual entity of which we all are simply nodes, monads reflecting the Universe back to itself, fragments of the hologrammatic unity.  Break a holographic plate into a thousand pieces and each shard will be found to have a complete, if miniature image of the original whole.

Shamanism is about recognising that wholeness, of finding a path of reconnection.  The Hundredth Monkey healing camp was essentially about that, seeking it for world healing.

People will have many images of Shamanism: native American ‘witchdoctors’, the original people of Australia following the songlines, getting in touch with the Dreamtime, Merlin of the ancient Britons summoning spirits and demons.  These are all part of Shamanism, but it is important not to mistake the images and the practices for what it is.

It is a path of getting in touch with the Universe, or remembering who we are.  It is The Path of Soul Awakening.  We may use drumming, dancing, chanting, meditation, entheogens and anything which opens the doors of perception and makes the scales fall from our eyes so that we may see a deeper and truer vision of reality.

Reality is a living thing.  The Universe is a living and conscious being which is mirrored in each and every one of us.

We presently face the greatest challenge which could be imagined.  For whatever reason, and we can perhaps discuss what that is later, our society, our world has become disconnected from the source of all that is.  It has become mired in illusion.  It does not feel gratitude and love for our Mother the Earth who had nurtured us, it does not recognise the pervading spiritual power of our Father the Sun which gives his energy that we may be sustained.  Instead our civilisation, if it can be called as such, is trapped in the extremes of separation, which sees the World as no more than matter to be used and then discarded.  But even in that view Matter is a word which comes from the Latin meaning Mother.  To use your Mother in such a way is the greatest disrespect.  She is not only our Mother, but our Sister too, a fellow child of the Universe.

What have they done to the Earth?
What have they done to our fair Sister?
Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her,
Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn, 
Tied her with fences
And dragged her down

Jim Morrison

Not all Shamans are medicine men or women from traditional indigenous cultures.  Jim Morrison was probably the greatest Shaman of popular culture in the last half century.  Poet and performer he confronted and awoke his audience with sometimes terrifying visions that unnerved the establishment.  The power of his presence was surely unrivalled in his generation and since.  He contacted and manifested a transpersonal energy.  The Doors were named after Aldous Huxley’s book ‘The Doors of Perception’ about the authors experiences with mescaline, the sacred entheogen of the native American Shamans of the south west.  The first track on their debut album was entitled ‘Break on Through (to the Other Side)’.

This is all about getting in touch with a reality which is beyond the surface, beyond the superficialities of conventional existence.

Consensus reality is all very well for the mundane and even necessary functions of material existence, but that is a small and narrowly confined circle.  If we allow ourselves to be persuaded that it is all that there is then we will be like the prisoner who does not believe there is anything beyond his cell.  To begin to understand the limitless extent of the Universe beyond the horizons we experience we must first accept that we know but a miniscule fraction of what is.  The hubris of the modern technocracy which rules the mind of the world is to try to persuade us that it has all knowledge, or that at least such an attainment was within its reach.

Lord Kelvin said such a thing in about 1895, claiming that there were no great mysteries left to solve, that all which remained for science was to dot the i’s and cross the t’s.  Within a decade Einstein had proposed Relativity and Planck the beginnings of Quantum Physics.  This is the fate which befalls any who dare to make claims of this nature.

The ancients knew the truth, that consciousness is the foundation from which all else flows.  That the Universe is a Great Mind in which we are thoughts.  To believe that we are trapped in matter is the great delusion.  The purpose of Shamanic practice is to free us from the constraints of this delusion, to break the bonds of the brainwashing and mind control which has been placed on the world.

I said near the beginning that we could discuss the cause of this.  In some ways it is perhaps of little consequence.  Perhaps this enslavement is perpetrated by those who having forgotten who they truly are and seek to hide in even greater forgetfulness.  Perhaps it is simply a test put on us by the Great Mind in order that we may learn and grow.  Either way we are confronted by this challenge, to break out of the cage of thought limitation which surrounds us.  To challenge what we are told to believe, and believe what our inner senses tell us, that the Universe is magical beyond belief, that thought and consciousness is a foundation beyond the gross nature of projected matter and most important of all, that there is purpose to our existence, in defiance of the Religion of Meaninglessness which extends its thrall ever further over the minds of the human race.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

You Are Part Of Everything ~ The Web Of Existence

My mind wandered from the stifling focus and intensity of the Allting circle speakers.

Images of the African bush drifted into my thoughts, the omnipresent smell, the vultures always waiting, scorpions under every stone and the din of crickets and cicadas singing their territorial and mating songs every night since the beginning of time.

A tiny movement caught my eye.  Crawling on the black of my leggings was a minuscule green insect.  I bent down for a closer look and saw that it was like a microscopic grasshopper.  At another time I might have simply ignored it or even brushed it away, but I had been opened to more perceptions and realities in the short space I had been at that place, and so chose to look closer.

I wondered if it might be aware of me as anything more than a stone or a log that it might walk on as a hill is to us.  I reached out with my mind and asked it.  “You are in this circle too.  Have you come to tell me anything?”

There was no reply in words.  However my thoughts told me what it was I needed to know.  This tiny creature was not a being in isolation.  I moved out the focus of my attention and saw that it was only one amongst countless billions, trillions even, of creatures all working ceaselessly, tirelessly to maintain our world.  From the smallest microbe to the largest tree all organisms supported and contributed to the whole, producing the building blocks of life, consuming them, feeding itself and creating ever more complex systems and conditions.

 I felt the gigantic biological machine of life on Planet Earth as it stretched away from me around the globe.  I saw that it had existed for billions of years, and was seamless in its growth and perpetuation.  How we as humans depend upon the service that these beings give to us in sustaining our own life, that we indeed are a part of this machine.  That all life on our beautiful planet is intertwined, interdependent, and that the processes which constitute its being are a manifestation and description of the mind of God.

The biological machine is part in its turn of the greater material structure of the planet itself, which had come into being as a result of the laws and nature of material existence.  My little grasshopper did not need to speak to me about the affairs of humans, for it knew nothing of our ways, but by understanding its own nature I could see its place in the world, how it functioned and contributed to the whole.

All beings exist for themselves, but also are part of something more.  I felt humbled to understand how this immense carpet of life allowed me to exist.  We humans are not outside of this, but perhaps we have lost our way within its intimate and intricately woven pathways.

The chattering monkeys were a noise in the background.  They could bemoan their guilt, scold each other and quarrel, but if it did not help them see who they were and what they needed to be doing for the good of the Great Organism of which we are all cells, then they were doing no more than babble.

The human condition is indeed a paradox.  Emerging from billions of years of evolution we are the Universe looking back at itself.  But we have lost touch with the fact that we are indeed that Universe which we look at.  We have become fascinated with the bizarre idea that it is all a chance occurrence which has no meaning, while every day we are confronted with miracles beyond the capacity of humans to imagine or invent.  And we find ourselves at the very centre of this performance.

Shakespeare told us that all the world’s a stage.  And when we look at the props and scenery which create the illusion onstage, is it more important to know how they work, their pulleys and mechanisms, or to understand why they are there and the meaning of the stories they allow to be told?

The Great Machine of Life is the scenery and mechanism of the stage, and interesting it is to know how it works, if only so that we know why not to damage it; but we can ask questions about it and understand beyond that mere mechanism.  In so doing we create dimensions beyond the material plane.  Involuted realms of mind where questions which cannot be answered elsewhere are explored in order to understand the purpose of the Machine.  The Universe reflects on its own nature and how different perspectives and viewpoints within it can create such diverse feelings and attitudes in the beings which have them.

To reconcile the truths of our natures is surely what we are here for.  An insect is an insect and will follow its nature to drink nectar, eat leaves and so on.  Grass grows and gives us oxygen.  But what is our nature as humans?  The Master Jesus said that the birds have their nests, and the lion his den, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.  He did not mean that we have nowhere to live, but that God’s creatures have their purposes, their habits but what do we have? Who are we?

copyright © 2011 Claire Rae Randall

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Heaven's Jewelbox

I had to shorten this for my book proposal due to considerations of length, but the wonderful thing about having this blog is that I can post 'outtakes and jams' as the good ole Grateful Dead would say.....
For me, one of the most important factors in my own personal awakening and connection with the Universe is a sense of awe and wonder at the grandeur and mystery of existence.

The night of 25th August 1995

Leaving the marquee I looked up and became aware of one of the most breathtaking and awesome sights I have ever witnessed.

The fire at the gate had died down, and we were sufficiently far from any towns or major roads for there to be no artificial glare thrown up into the sky. The total absence of cloud cover, though it made for a chill night, allowed me an untarnished view of the wondrous vault that stretched above.

The memory of the African sky which I had seen as a child had long dimmed. I took an interest in astronomy, regularly watching Patrick Moore’s ‘Sky at Night’, but living in a city I was only accustomed to the brightest of stars as points of light struggling to achieve visibility through the haze of pollution and sodium yellow street lights.

What I saw now was of a totally different order of existence. The sky shone with silver dust, hinting at colours just beyond sight as twinkling, it seemed to breath. The bright stars that I was familiar with were lost amid the multitude and I was forced to orient myself with the points of the compass even to find the North Star.

A river of sparkling gems stretched across the infinite vastness above me. From behind me to my left the Milky Way arched across the sky, high above the silhouette of the Malvern hills on the Eastern edge of the world reaching its climax before me and to my right, as it slid down to the South Western horizon and disappeared behind the stygian blackness of the wood beyond our field. Although I did not reflect upon it at the time, it was only a matter of hours before the New Moon, and so this celestial vision was unaffected by any rival intrusion of light.

The city dweller is accustomed only to single stars, but here they were beyond count. If most of the sky glowed with the lights which were strewn across it, winking in the invisible currents of the atmosphere, then the brightness of the galactic disc was bejewelled, glistening and thick with stars jostling for space as they marched along the arcing bridge that spanned the inky background of the skyfield.

The galactic hub was illuminated with the lights of worlds uncounted. They melted together into a crescendo of brilliance where the wealth of heaven’s treasure chest had been heaped.

As I gazed upon this panoply of splendour I felt an echo of the awe which early civilisations from the desert parts of the world had had for the sky and its gods. A shooting star marked its passage through this vision of eternity and I forgot the cold which was seeping into my bones.

The frosty encrustation of the galactic centre in the empyrean was rent with blackness where only a thin scattering of individual points of light broke through. The ancients had believed that it was impossible for a mortal to look upon the face of God and live. The chasm of darkness hid the very centre of the celestial core. The Mayans knew this as the birthplace of the World, or the Womb of Creation, the Hunab Ku, the veiled place of God. To others it was the Cosmic Yin, the dark empty place from which all reality was spawned. But it was also the Mouth of Kali, the Goddess of Death who devours all things.

A second meteor burnt up in the atmosphere before my eyes, puncturing the protective skin of ionised particles which enfolds our little world, momentarily bridging the gap from infinity to limitation. Viewing the crystalline splendour from which this burst of energy had emerged I reflected on the doctrine that the human race had been as gods before we fell from the heavens to our present lowly station. But was it not also told that we should build a ladder to the stars, and climb on every rung until we had regained our stature amongst the gods?

Feasting on the banquet of brilliance I hugged myself for warmth as I, amazed, tried to absorb the wonders which seemed so casually spilt across the heavens like the contents of a divine jewelbox, accidentally upended and spread out upon this velvet field.

A third shooting star gave itself up to oblivion, vaporising into a momentary stream of wonder for perhaps my eyes only. It was as if this entire wondrous display had been made solely for the purpose of taking my breath away. Though the sky is as public a thing as could be, I felt my contact with it to be intimate. Squatting, hunched up and hugging my knees, my body began to shiver and protest against the cold which was the price I paid for this.

There, utterly alone with myself in the middle of a field in the night, I was touched with the infinite, and yet could not have been less alone. It was one of those moments of total clarity with which we may be blessed when through accident or design, and perhaps some cunning mix of the two, we find ourselves in alignment with the Cosmos and there can be no doubt as to meaning or purpose. We are part of all this, and this is part of us. The billions of years which separate us from the fusion of our chemical elements in long-dead supernovae felt like the blink of an eye.

Looking, waiting for a fourth shooting star I was conscious of my shivering flesh and my bare feet wet with the dew. A heavenly gateway had been opened and I had glimpsed infinity in my soul as much as in the sky. But the wheel of change would not still for my inner world. I had been granted to feast on the divine spectacle for a few moments, to ask or hope for more was spiritual gluttony. Suddenly aware of how cold I felt, I was back in my material shell and the warmth of my little nest beckoned.

With a heavy heart I left the silvery gleam and made for the darkness of our night’s shelter. The gentle sound of slumberous breathing welcomed me and I slid into my sleeping bag, filled with wonder at my nocturnal cosmic journey.

copyright © 2011 Claire Rae Randall

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Learning the Dance of Life

To follow this, go to
where I demonstrate the Dance of Life in my Vajra Dakini Fire Circle

Monday 28 August 1995

The sound of Ivan’s flute passing behind my tent woke me.  The sun was already bright on the rear wall of my canvas home.  My body was all stiff from a third night of sleeping on the hard ground, and my mind drifted in and out of consciousness.

I had resolved to participate in the Dance of Life that morning.  My natural inclination was to remain where I was, to return to the recesses of slumber, but I managed to override the demands of my body, sit up and prepare myself to face the day.

A few minutes later I was standing next to Anna with about forty or fifty others in a circle around the altar in the centre of the open field. 

The sun shone brightly.  The air still had the slight chill of early morning.  The distant Malvern hills rose from the thick mist which was still pooled in the spaces between the trees and hedgerows, the grass still damp with dew beneath our feet.

Ivan was talking with a couple of folk on the other side away from me.  He looked about and must have decided he had a sufficient attendance to begin.  I noticed he had on a faded Grateful Dead tee-shirt of yellow, pink and blue with a spider’s web worked into the design.  Taking his place in the centre he spoke.

“Thankyou everyone for joining us in the Dance of Life this morning.  I see we have quite a few more than yesterday, so I shall briefly introduce you to what it is about.

“In the late nineteenth century, when it appeared that the Native American tribes would be all but wiped out by the European settlers, some elders of the Cherokee nation had a council concerning what they could do to ensure the survival of their culture and spiritual teachings.  The Dance of Life was created to encapsulate the essence of these.  The words or sounds which we chant have no specific translation, but performing them in the Dance is a powerful ritual which initiates one to an understanding of the core of Native American wisdom.

“The Dance itself is a balanced sequence of moves which places us at the centre of the four points of the compass, between sky and earth.  This is a core understanding.  You are always at the centre of the Universe.

“The moves signify respect to, and invocation of, the spirits of the six directions.  In drawing the energy from each direction we pass it through our own being before sending it back out to the Universe.  You can think of it as a means of purifying the energy we encounter in the world or indeed of purifying ourselves by bringing in the energy of the Universe to our hearts.

“But it is not necessary to specifically understand the interpretation of the teaching, as the Dance itself raises knowledge and awareness of its meaning.  It is part performance and participation, part mantra.  The chant and movements are symbolic, beyond language, and by doing them we stimulate our own latent deep inner knowledge. 

“Action does indeed speak louder than words, so I shall now lead you through the form.”

For one of such immense stature, Ivan was extraordinarily graceful as he ran through the basis of the movements involved.

“Ama tikki wo-oh”  he raised his right hand in a broad sweeping gesture clockwise from his heart, his right leg mirroring the action.  As his hand returned to the centre of his chest, the other was moved to join it and both were raised to the sky, opening out as if in adoration and supplication to the sound of the “wo-oh”.

“Ah-ne-oh-hey.” Bringing his hands together to the Ah, he rotated them forward about each other like the paddles of a water wheel to the “ne” as he bent down and touched the earth to the “hey”, almost squatting.

“Oh-oh sha-anna.”  Reversing the direction of his spinning hands to the “oh-oh” he raised himself to standing and again reached for the sky with his arms outstretched and spread wide to the sound of “sha-anna”.

“Hey-a-na, hey-a-no, hey-iyaa.”  Returning to the initial rotation of his hands he lowered his arms and to the sound of “iyaa” outspread his hands in a gesture of acceptance.

This sequence was repeated with the left hand leading.

“Oh-oh hey-a-no, ha-ah-i-iya!”  He leant forward, as if reaching for a rope, left hand in front of right to the “Oh-oh”, and to “hey-a-na, hey-a-no” pulled it in hand over hand, till gathering it in his Solar Plexus he turned around and let it go, as if releasing a dove, assisting it with a push and the expulsion of breath to “hey-iyaa!”

“Oh-oh hey-a-na, hey-a-no, he-ey-iyaaaah.”  He gently gathered in the energy to his centre as if pulling the rope back in and was still, returning to a position a quarter turn clockwise from that he had begun with.

“The chant and movements are repeated to each of the four compass points until we return to where we started.  I’ll run through it slowly - follow my movements, don’t worry if you don’t get all the detail, just try and get the feel of the rhythm.”

We followed him through the form, all arms and legs flailing but for those who had clearly done this before.  There was much amusement, nervous giggles and embarrassment.  I had to face a rising wave of anxiety and feeling of helplessness as we progressed through the movements.  I had learnt many yoga positions and a little T’ai Chi in my time but this was alien to me.  I endeavoured to mimic the moves I saw being performed, but falling behind began to contend with rising panic reminiscent of the occasion I had let myself in for a juggling workshop some years before.  I told myself it would all come in time and that I should not be concerned, but seeing Anna beside me striding confidently through it all only had me feeling more of a klutz.  Time for Ivan again.

“Okay, that was only a practice run.  We’ll go through it now and if you don’t get the correct movements, don’t let that bother you, if you can follow the direction to face that’s good for a start, watch the others about you and just remember to turn clockwise, to your right.  It’s a lot to learn, so if you’re new give yourself the space to watch.  It’s not a competition, think of it as a simple morning stretch and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you might fall into it.”

We began again, somewhat more synchronised, and I assuaged my waves of panic by focussing on the moves of our conductor.  Left and right got mixed up, I nearly turned the wrong way, and realised that I was far from alone in my confusion.  Halfway through I was facing out from the centre and was not able to refer to Ivan even from the corner of my eyes, but then locked onto Anna’s near perfect recitation of the enchantment and almost ballet-like performance of the dance.  Turning for the last quarter I was able to mirror her actions as I stood behind her.  Though she was somewhat older than my own forty years I could have taken her from behind for a teenager from her slim and lithe figure as it was visible to me there.  For a moment I thought I saw the hint of a native American matriarch as she let loose the energy from the final quarter in my direction  and came to rest.

I felt invigorated by the exercise so early in the day, but had also been aware that energy of sorts was being passed round the circle by the movements we had engaged in.

“Well done everybody.  I’m sure you’ll all be confident with it before many more days have passed.  Now to finish let’s send some of that energy we’ve raised out to the rest or the camp and the world.  On the count of three I’d like you to turn round and send your energy out with all the vigour you can muster.

“One, two, three….”  We drew in our breath and turning round expelled it with a roar which caused heads to be turned in our direction from those pottering around the nearby campfires.

I felt much warmer than I had a few minutes before and the sun was already brighter and stronger.  The discharge of our energy coupled with the relief that the session was over had a wave of chuckles rolling about those assembled and several hugs were exchanged.  It was an opportunity to speak with and get to know better our companions.

I turned to Anna and said, “When I saw you doing the Dance from behind you could have been seventeen.”   I felt inspired that this mature woman could dance like a teenager, and felt old and klutzy, though perhaps a decade her junior. 

 copyright © 2011 Claire Rae Randall


Hi, a brief introduction...

I'm moving posts of excerpts from my book 'Waking The Monkey' to this dedicated site of the same name, and will be using my personally named blogsite

for more general posting of thoughts and ideas not directly stemming from the book, although I expect I will crosslink between the two.  I will leave all the existing posts there, so you can continue to check them out.

I've been reworking material from the book for submission as a proposal, and perhaps some of the out takes will find their way here...