Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Waking The Monkey! Launch Video

Waking The Monkey!
Launch Video

Here is the video of the launch talk I did for my book Waking The Monkey! - Becoming The Hundredth Monkey (A Book for Spiritual Warriors) earlier this year at the Headingley Heart Centre for Leeds Combined Arts.
I should like to thank Carol Downing of LCA for arranging the event, and many thanks to Dawn Carey Jones for making the video.

Waking The Monkey! ~ Claire Rae Randall

There are many different topics covered in the book, and one I did not cover in this talk is the place of The Grateful Dead in the story.  You can find out more about that in this blog piece I wrote recently.

The Hundredth Monkey and The Grateful Dead

You can purchase a paper or e-book version of my account of my shamanic rite of passage at The Hundredth Monkey Camp ‘Waking The Monkey! ~ Becoming the Hundredth Monkey’ (A Book for Spiritual Warriors) at


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Deconstruction of politically correct material, such as feminism and immigration.
